10 Oct 2012

UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains Exam Possible Pattern Change (OPTIONAL REMOVAL)

As UPSC has declared the dates for UPSC CSE 2013, i.e. Prelims on 19th May 2013 and Mains starting from 08th Nov 2013, still its dilemma about the possible mains pattern change from 2013 or year ahead. We can't say whether optional papers are going to continue in Civil Services Mains Exam 2013 also or these are going to be removed and new pattern with compulsory papers for everyone is going to be implemented from 2013.


We can observe some schedule change from normal trend so far.Usually, UPSC had been conducting the UPSC mains in month of October, as in present UPSC Civil Services Mains exam 2012 is going on, which started on 05th Oct 2012, but in 2013, the starting date is 08th of November 2013.Here, we can see the major drift of around one month in comparison to 2012, although the number of days are still same.i.e.21 days. Definitely by observing this, we cannot come on to a solid conclusion for optional papers, as possible new pattern can also be scheduled in 21 days. Although no of days and dates are fully tentative in nature as UPSC possess the rights to change the schedule or anything.

There is wider media and people speculations about the much needed changes in pattern for UPSC CSE mains, which can give more equality and fare chances to all UPSC All India Administrative Services aspirants in mains exam also, as same as due to the change in CSE Prelims pattern, which is effective from 2011.

Up to the UPSC official notification for Civil Services Exam 2013,may be which can come in December or ahead ,IAS aspirants should go ahead with mains optional papers preparation in positive way, as the number of days(21 days) are same, so no much possibility of pattern changes are likely to happen in 2013 at-least. Till UPSC official notification for CSE 2013, all UPSC Civil Services exam aspirants are advised to study keeping both things in mind. You can give more attention to General Study’s papers and make it stronger. This knowledge will be useful even in possible new pattern also, may be from 2014 and ahead. Although everything depends up on the official notification only. Let’s hope for the best.

Wish you all the best. Good luck.



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