‘Silence gives inferences’.....but who
interprets that. Whether inequality comes from bases or situations? Social
imbalances can be justified on the basis of prolonged historical traditions and
unwritten laws but human progress from barbarism to humanism must account for uniformity,
homogeneity and a peaceful society. An ugalitararian society have foundation in
totalitarian principles but if ideology comes after reality, then?
Indian society unlike western theory and
reality provides ample way of rethinking about progress. If Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were developed than Mesopotamia then
why India is developing only? People may find answer in colonisation theory but
the potential cap of development might have been revamped in last decades. Who contributes more for society? A farmer
sweating in nature’s lap or a blue collared ‘human’ in conditioned environment.
If jobs and profitability comes on comparing merits then scope and opportunity
must have significance?
An analytic view of rural economy depicts heterogeneous
picture, having diaspora of interlinked attributes. More over, occupational pattern have been
mostly derived through castes and religion, roots emanating through different
classical theories of traditions. A full view of village local “HAAT” may elucidate a panorama of
amalgamating occupational hierarchy and different syllable of ‘classes’.
Prologue in planning commission may concaving
the lower strata but beneficiary at the end still needs to be accounted for the gap of rupees 1 and 15 paisa. The
inclusive developmental framework may claim through its conventional pattern of
NABARD but why microfinance and SHGs
still a dreamt behind for appreciable success? So the crux comes in changing approach,
transformation in aptitude and proliferation of concepts.

Rural economy have always been seen as “hole in the basket”. Subsidising
utilities finds “pettiness over kindness
’’in literal terms .Rural poor’s saving can be visualised as scaling level
player for “no option theory” rather
than metros scattered premium options. Educational barrier may pose hurdle for
insurance companies for rural areas but there should be a parallel explanation
of ushering mobile users in villages! If agricultural labourers are illiterate
then migrated labourers must not be credited for huge development of cities and
So it mere needs an elaborative change in
looking for options rather than eliminating alternatives for break even points.
Because social barriers are not the born inabilities rather an outcome of
disadvantaged and forced accessibility
of services.
born to be a poor?
is a satirical observation. You are most welcome to give your views.
by Praveen Kumar, GTE at Infosys Limited)
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